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General Information


The swimming pools are for exclusive use by the owners in Tavira Garden and their guests (including tenants).


The swimming pool operating hours are set by the Administration and are available on the website and at the entrance to the facility.


Access to the facility is possible only through electronic gates to which the keys (electronic clips) are active only in the event of no arrears in paying condominium fees. Such arrears are understood as non-payment of more than 60 days from the date of payment.




Users staying on the area of the swimming pool complex are obliged to exercise due diligence in order to protect their own and other users life and health, in particular:


  • adapting their activity plans to their own skills and health condition

  • comply with the information signs, orders and prohibitions placed on the facility and specified in this document 


In order to ensure hygiene and safety rules for people on the facility, it is forbidden to:


  • bringing alcoholic beverages or intoxicating and psychoactive substances

  • bringing glass bottles, cans, sharp and dangerous tools and weapons

  • entering the facilities of people with symptoms of any acute skin infection and other symptoms of diseases that threaten other users

  • bringing animals 

  • being under the influence of alcohol or intoxicants and psychoactive substances,

  • consuming alcohol outside strictly designated places

  • making noise and listening to loud music

  • acting in a manner endangering the safety of his/her own and other users, including:

    • pushing / inserting into the water and dipping underwater other users

    • jumping into the water

    • diving and performing underwater apnea exercises

    • running and throwing objects

  • clogging and tampering with skimmers and water circulating devices

  • making false alarms

  • littering and contamination of the facility

  • destroying devices and equipment in the facility

  • smoking

  • handling physiological needs outside the toilet


Children up to 12 years of age may stay only under the constant care and supervision of adults.


Children up to 3 years of age should use waterproof diapers for protection purposes.


Swimwear of any color is required.


Before entering the water, you must rinse yourself in the swimming pool shower, without the use of washing agents. Remember the rule "The pool is as clean as you are".


People who do not follow the above recommendations will be asked to leave the swimming pool complex, under pain of a permanent ban on entering (clips blockade).




By using the swimming pool complexes, you acknowledge and accept the following.


There is no lifeguard on duty at any time at any complex.


There are always some risks associated with the use of the pool, including but not limited to:


  • risk of injury due to possible failure of the pool equipment

  • risk of injury as a result of tripping or falling over obstacles

  • risk of injury due to collisions of swimmers

  • risk of injury as a result of the behavior of other users 

  • risk of other injuries resulting from participation in any activity in the pool

  • the risk of loss of valuables left unattended


The swimming pool complex user acknowledges and fully understands that the foregoing list is not a complete and exhaustive list of all possible risks. The list is simply examples of the types of risks that should be considered.


The user is aware that his/her safety depends only on his/her skills, behavior and sense of responsibility, and to some extent on other users.


The Administration of Tavira Garden Urbanization has no influence on the enforcement of these Terms of Use other than the belief in common sense and goodwill of all users.


The facility has been prepared to the extent necessary for self-contained and unguarded use of its functions:


  • the water is filtered and chemically protected against contamination by Jardins Fernandes - Manutenção de Jardins e Piscinas,

  • the pools are cleaned once a day, in the morning before opening

  • the area of ​​the complex is cleaned once daily before opening,

  • access is controlled by activation of electronic keys, but the area is not monitored.


In view of the foregoing, any user opting to use the facility waives any claims it may have in the future against the Tavira Garden Administration, its directors, employees or agents when one of the above occurs.


Urbanização Tavira Garden

Colina das Alfarrobeiras

Estrada Nacional 125, Lt. 11
8800-221 Tavira

Administration office open hours:

Mon, Wed, Fri 9.00 - 13.00

Tue, Thu 14.00-17.00 (Nov. - May 13.00-16.00)

tel: 281 325 565   |   email:

©2024 by Urbanização Tavira Garden

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